Saturday, October 19, 2013

Image of love

I just did a quick search of Google images for love. Man there's a lot of stuff there each one deserves a thousand words, how ever not many that picture true love except maybe this one

God is said to love us this way, but is this an absolutely true saying. God loves us where we are and we are not perfect when we first love Him. Such is the nature of his love that He gave His Son to make us perfect, so that where He is we may also be.

So this is a true saying if it seen in a certain light, which I might paraphrase I am in awe of your perfections in spite of your imperfections. I accept you warts and all however I'm not seeing warts at the moment because of the loving feelings that are coursing through my being!

The standard for heaven is Holiness however, which is all surpassing beauty to which we could never measure up of our own selves, we need to be washed of our filthiness. which leads me to another point the colour of love is of course red which the most prevalent colour on Google images love search.

 Why is blood red the colour of love? Because this is the Greatest love that a man should give his life for another. Red implies a willingness to give ones life for another.

So I guess the image I was looking for was the image of the suffering and agony of Christ on the cross. That i is the grandest love scene ever played out on the stage of this earth.

Contrast this with a common worldly image of love...

One is giving the other taking of self.  The picture above is not an image of love but of lust. The satisfying of self by taking that which you want,  giving in to desire. It is an image of two selfish people rejoicing that they they have found in the other the answer to their need. They are also giving of their bodies to one another  but that is in order that they might take, giving to take, the taking of the other predominates. They are consuming, using the other. They are no doubt saying and 'feeling' love for the other however it is highly conditional love and superficial. 'I will love you always as long as you always look this good!'

When we look at Jesus suffering we see Him bearing the cost of our redeemtion. He is giving in order to keep giving, and giving and giving. Jesus payed it all, all to Him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.

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