Monday, June 8, 2009

Keeping our bodies fat and warm.

I once read in a missionary letter that the above is all people in the western world care about. I think this true but I would add one more thing, being entertained. The first two are taken to be rights, the same as the right to draw breath, and are generally taken for granted.
That's right I was thinking about breathing today. Lying in bed with the wife and 11 month old babe listening to their various rates of respiration I again remembered that breathing keeps us alive. Its not something we always think about but it must take place constantly.
I'm currently studying livestock feeding and in the course of it we consider the animal concerned maintenance energy requirement. How much energy it requires to walk and breathe and digest food etc. When an animal is lame it requires more energy to move about in a limping fashion and fight the infection and cant compete in the herd so well and consequently loses weight. All these are the same for human life and considering my own breathing has been some what restricted with asthama and allergy etc as well as being slightly lame its no wounder I get alittle tired but I don't know if I've lost any weight but I doubt that I will fade away entirely just yet.

Any how breathing is sometimes spiritualized by Godless religons " Breathe in justice , mercy and truth and breathe out hatred and cruelty and envy .." etc
The bible says simply " Everything that has breath praise the Lord! "

Gen 2:7
And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

While it is called Today!

It is high time I did some bible reading and posting as well so I'm reading Hebrews which I think is a good book because It is drawing out a called people from out of a lifeless religious structure ( one that God had now abandoned) into a vibrant living personal faith in the person of Christ.

Hbr 1:1
Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets.
But now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son.

This is relevant because what is called church these days has largely settled into a man made and man worshiping system similar to the systems we see around us in the world and I believe that true believers are being called out of it. We are called to be in the world but not of it. The church was not instituted by man but by Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit its a work of God and as such can never be about the works of man that we might boast, and yet a whole lot of boasting goes on and the works or fruit produced are not of God. We must always take a hands off approach and allow God to work his wonders through us in so doing give credit where it is due, all Honor and Glory to the name of Jesus.

I see as I read a bit of church history a pattern emerging that every new movement or denomination sees clearly at least one aspect of the preceeding one that is falling short of the mark. The founders come out full of holy spirit power, fired up you might say, to reform the church and turn the world up side down and they do for a while, sweeping the globe until, they run out of steam or the founders pass on to there reward in glory. Those that remain are dependent on the strength of the vision and I guess the breath of Gods Spirit to keep the show on the road. Inevitably though the followers take their eyes off Christ and come back to earth as it were. As time passes we look around to what the world around us is doing and the narrow path seems unattractive by comparison so we allow the cutting edge to become dull, pull off the kings highway and camp in the bypass meadow with the other earth dwellers. Becoming settlers instead of
pilgrims making progress. Not only do we pause our own journey but we will begin to waylay any others who won't seek with us the passing pleasures of this world determining to stay the course.

Our hearts get hardened and proud and unwilling to give up the comforts we treasure we are then bound to them while failing to perceive that the earth and all thats in it is passing away and so to, all those whose hearts are bound to earthly things.

So the question is how can avoid this recurring calamity and here is the answer.

Hbr 3:12
Be careful then, dear brothers and sisters. Make sure that your own hearts are not evil and unbelieving, turning you away from the living God. You must warn each other every day, as long as it is called "today," so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God. For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ. But never forget the warning: "Today you must listen to his voice. Don't harden your hearts against him as Israel did when they rebelled."

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Where does the search for freedom lead you ?

As you can see I haven't posted in a while, Why because of the new computer (problems) and the new baby and just life in general. Time is a precious thing and I feel very much as though I spend to much of it with out achieving my life's goals.
As you might pick up I value freedom highly. Freedom that is from the rule of man and the associated trappings. Ideally I'd just like to live in the world that God has made with as little man stuff as possible, just to enjoy God and work to bring Him glory a mitigate the effects of the curse of sin and lead others to the Lord of salvation.
But the rule of man and systems have there ways of tying you in like it or not.
I am presently concerned that in my bid to be free I might cast off authority structures that God has intended for me to submit to . I'm talking church here . I just haven't found a body of believers where the leaders don't Lord it over the flock. I'm not looking for another Lord, I have the Greatest already, but I do need a shepherd Why are there so few?