Thursday, October 20, 2011


Have you ever preached against something for years then find yourself forced to admit you where wrong? This is what happened to me yesterday. The process of being humbled by God is not always pleasant. However finding yourself at rock bottom is good in that the only way to look is up, to heaven for help. We can't possibly be to humble, after all Jesus the Lord of heaven and earth humbled himself to become flesh, and be nailed to the cross for our sake!

Humility has great benefit's. Moses the most humble man on the face of the earth in his time spoke to God face to face as a friend. He also counseled and persuaded God to repent of His fierce judgement on the children of Israel. A humble man has power in the Holy spirit to do great things. so though He slay me yet I will praise Him!

1 comment:

Susie said...

Well written. You are a good written communicator! I am looking forward to reading more blogs, etc.