Friday, October 14, 2011

The cares of this world.

In the parable of the sower the seed that fell among thorny ground sprouted and grew well at first but Jesus said that thorns and weeds sprung up and choked out the plants before they could produce the desired result. This could be a stumbling block for many Christian men because they have the burden of providing not only for their families but also for employee's if they have workers or they are ministers that watch over a flock and are ever concerned for them.

Responsibilty. Anybody who makes decisions on behalf of others takes responsibilty for those decisions and therefore the blame if something goes wrong. That is the reason that many men fear responsibilty and may prefer to be working in a job for wages that following their dream and starting their own small business. They can then off load a lot of resposibilty onto their boss which removes a need for themselves to take a risk and start on a journey the will lead them into maturity and full production. God our father has induded each of us with many gifts and talents for which He expects usefulness and a return on His investment. He expects us to take domminion and establish ourselves through hard work and good character. Idilness and immaturity do not please the Lord. Let us not be slack in our doing because He promises that He will prosper us if we remain faithful in all His word, not envying what another man my have but using just what we have in our hands to the maximum advantage. Our domminion and prosperity will then be a witness to other neighbours around about us for which we must give all the Glory to God or be lost to the deceitfulness of riches. If the Lord does bless and prosper us we must never be lifted up in our hearts and forget the rock of our salvation. We must never get carried away with building kingdoms for ourselves either because we do not even own ourselves, everything belongs to Christ, especially those of us who have surrendered our lives already, and thus everything we do now is as his servants and is for the building up of the kingdom of God. Let us make His name great in the earth, through our obedience and diligence.

Sometimes though things get away from our control and go pear shaped, this can leave the man in responsibility in a uncomfortable position. He may experience sleeplessness. Worry and anxiety are the enemies tools and can easy cut off our relationship to the Father. Then we are like woundering restless vagabonds with no home to call our own, when in fellowship with the Father we have a home in heaven and Rest .

Matt 6 deals well with this to of course. Those whom the Lord loves He grants rest. We must learn to roll our cares over onto Him because if we try to carry them ourslves we will be crushed by the weight of them!

The father will say to that faithful ones on the glad day we meet Him

“Well done good and faithful servant now enter into my Rest.”

This does not neccesarily mean sleep because we can be at peace while awake. The peace that passes understanding should be our dwelling place day and night, waking or sleeping.

I pray that you reader will know peace with God, and be able to retreat when ever the world pushes in and begins to rob you of your inheiritance, to that quiet place away from the rat race where He will restore your peace with sweet one on one communion with the Himself the Master of the Universe!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Be good if someone commented guess these writings must be considered the babbling' s of a proud man!