Ever wonder why God has choosen one or the other person to be part of the messianic line.
I guess we are destined to keep wondering on this count until He chooses to reveal more to us perhaps in eternity. However we know that God does choose and He does so not according to the tradition of men (Even those tradition's that have come from Him) because He overlooks firstborn's and pure gentic lines and the like and looks on the heart.
He also shows favor to those who the world does not favor. Such as Leah, she was not wellfavored as the scripture speaks of Rachel, but God saw that Leah was hated, so he opened Her womb while Rachel remained barren.
I was searcing in Genesis for a reason why God choose Levi as the Father of the preistly Line.
Jacoab (who was choosen against tradition and His fathers wishes) over looked Rueben(firstborn),Simieon & Levi because they had made mistakes for which he could not forgive them. Simeon and Levi had 'taken the law into there own hands' and slaughtered the men of Shechem. This was a zealous act for which they where not recorded as having sought the Lords will. Therefore Jacoab blessed Judah as the ruler of His breathen until Shiloh comes, comparing Him to a Lion. God honored Jacoabs choice but Levi was still honored because the Law came through Him and it was to him that the preistly office was bestowed and not Simeon. Ruben muffed it so I can understand his being rejected.
It was in Judah that all three offices of God government combined in 'Shiloh' the one in whom the gathering of the people shall be. Salvation did not come through Levi (the Law) or a prophet(Elijah) or a king (Judah) but perfect combination of all three Christ kept the Law , forfilled the words of the prophets, and took up His rightful place on the throne of David son of Judah.
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago
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