There is a certian ladies magazine, that latest edition has a cover photo of a NAKED WOMAN on it.
Thats right people a NAKED WOMAN. No shame on her face, shes done nothing wrong in her own mind, probally got payed well for her trouble. To have thousands of images of yournakedself sent out to all corners of the globe hardly rasises an eyebrow. Perfectly normal we are lead to believe. As far as modesty goes this generation wouldn't know it if it hit them in the face. They are unconscious of their nakedness. They have no shame.
So be the ways of unbelievers but followers of Christ ,women and daughters of must be as different as night and day. That is, let us not be dressing as people of the night, since we belong to the day. If you realise that you are a frog in a pot and the water is getting hotter awake up and jump out.
God will hold us accountable for everything we wear and the thoughts and intentions of our heart. If it is our desire to gain more attention or power or advantage through what we are wearing (or not wearing as the case may be) this will not be pleasing to him, there is no covering (material) to hide us from God, we are all naked before him, He searches our hearts it see if they contain guile. And if we would rob Him of his Glory by drawing glory for ourselves either with our bodies and what we wear, or though our talents and gifts that he has given us.
There is only one covering from the holiness of God that is the righteousness of Jesus without this and the grace to be santified into it we would never see the LORD of holiness.
Be not conformed to the pattern of this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago
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