Today as I read the first chapter of proverbs God spoke to me through verse 20.
Wisdom calls aloud outside in the streets, she cries in the chief concourses and in the gates of the city she says outloud.....
I have felt called to do this for a long time now but so far have not been able.
But today's reading galvanised me into a conviction that this year I will begin to make His gospel known it every passer by because I can't contain this truth I know, it must be poured out like a fountain. It is as though I knew where the fountian of eteranl life is and I only need to let others know so they to can drink of its life giving waters!
I saw a mother yesterday run quicky when she saw her toddler closely watching a fast moving swing. The baby didn't see the danger, but the mother did see had probally see children sconed a few times by swings, so she had to act quickly to protect her child from a nasty blow.
Well whats my point, spending eternity with out the Lord banished from His presence is a lot worse than getting hit by a swing! How much more quickly should I move to warn the simple of the dangerous end that lies on the path they are currently walking on? Should I avert my attention while they stumble blindly on? I would rather die than do this.
Oh great mighty God give me the strength to overcome the fear of man and lust of the eyes which tempt me and defiles me. Blessed is the man whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered! .... In whose spirit there is no Guile.
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago
1 comment:
still working on this year and a half later!
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