"As high as the heavens are above the earth so high are my thoughts above yours, Says the Lord."
For God knows all the thoughts of man, that they are vain altogether.
Why does any Man rise up, be it individually or collectively in synod or council, and declare what He believes in His mind to be full and final truth. How can anyone be so arrogant.
Its like one drowning man saying to another I feel like the water around me is getting more solid why don't you come this way because surely it is the way of salvation!
This what I believe and I could be wrong, God is knowable because He has revealed Himself, But we still dont know everything, nor will we ever, being finite approching infinite.
However the things that are revealed are not mysterious but plain and easily understood so that even a child can grasp them. That is why men are without excuse everywhere because the Creation reveals all that is necessasary to demand that Man seek to know God.
But some men amongst us have a pastors desire to gather the sheep into a fold, which is good and God given, They follow this course to the next logical step which is to define the inclosure.
This brings us to the doctrines and the undisputed King of doctrines in Western protestant Christianity, The Trinity Doctrine.
He's a really important question, if Doctrines are a work of God and so essential and foundational to the true faith, Why does God not then lay them out clearly in the Bible itself, Why do we require more books, creeds & catechisms ,or extra biblical information and sermonizing to actually get them straight in our heads? Surely sola scripture is all we'll ever need!(BTW I do not belive this but it is the main thrust of the next doctrine in the list 'The sufficency of Scripture', not realising that it contradicts itself!)
some doctrines are not the work of God but of man I say this because the don't come to us outlined in the cannon of scripture. They do not perfectly serve the purposes of God because they are faulty like the the men who wrote them and those who perpetuate them through the ages. That doesn't stop men from being proud of them though, men find it extremely easy to stand back and admire the work of there hands and bask in the warm sunlight of the pride of life. Of course not realising that they have fallen under a shadow in doing so. The only safe action for a believer/servant is to do Gods will and having done it glorfiy the One who willed it done.
In a recent semon I heard a doctirne of Man was being praised as though it was God, I quote " The Glory and the Majesty of the Trinity Doctrine is revealed!"
This coupled with the fact that with the attitude of the speaker seemed similar IMHO to the attitute of Saul as he zealously persecuted Christians, led me to the conclusion that This doctine has become for those who zealously defend it a false God in itself.
I will then reveal my firm foundation, my rock is that Christ Jesus is the Son of the living God.
This is the true foundation and all other ground is sinking sand as the hymn goes. This is not the trinity doctrine you will note. If the trinity doctrine was the bedrock, and keystone on which we should be building the church why did the Holy Spirit not cause Peter to say that "You are one of the persons of the triune Godhead."
He could easily have done this and it would have saved lots of fighting!
The God who created all languages has given us two terms that all men can easily understand and even translate clearly into any language. They are 'Father' and 'Son'. Real simple and with the knowledge of these terms comes the understanding that the former precedes the latter. Yet the trinity Doctrine denies this universal truth, And this is why I know it is false.
Two persons cannot be co-eternal and still rightly be called Father and Son. To do so is to render the terms meaningless. Which is nonsense and I am Absolutely certain that our Great God who ordered the universe so precisely could ever allow Himself to be defined by a nonsense.
I do not deny the Divinity of Christ or His right to be known as God or recieve our worship. But I don't consider God to be anyone's name, Its a title given to Divinity and its because of this that the written word we now possess is confusing espeically in John 1.
As for equality its like a wise man once said,
"All things are equal, it's just that some are more equal than others!"
Jesus is of course equal to the Father but in the same way my wife is equal to me. As it says in 1 Corinthins 15:27-28
For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under [him, it is] manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.
And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.
The only defense to these glaringly obvious truth's Trinity adherents have is the flight to mystery which doesn't wash with me. There are things I don't expect to understand like the nature of eternity, but I refuse to leave my mind at the door when I come church since I know God wants me to Love Him with all of it!
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago
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