I attended the wedding of a quiet man.
It was a refreshingly christian wedding. Holiness being held as worth more and of lasting value compared to the cheap, quick pleasure of gratifing the flesh.
At speech time the groom who is a man of few words, told us about Adam being put to sleep so God could remove his rib and He likened this to dying. He went on to say when adam was born again by awakening he was blessed with a wife!
Matt was at the end of His single life and being born again into wedlock. It was without a doubt the most well considered and exellent speech I have ever heard at a wedding. It seemed like a good match so I pray that they will be happy and fruitfull together.
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago
certainly was a great speech!
The wedding was soooooo lovely. A christian wedding is such a blessing and so different to one that has no mention of GOD, the creator of marriage. It's not just a loose promise and an excuse for a booze up but a beautiful testimony and covenant between two people, man and wife. Lovely~
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