What where the mighty men (that King David lead a little futher down the path of history) doing when Golith was making a mockery of Gods people? Where was their might then, surely men who where capabale of despatching 300 men single handed would have not feared one measly Giant. Where did their might come from if they didn't possess it previously.
The fearless Leadership of David (a gift of the Holy Spirit) increased the courage of His men. David was a cataylst, a conduit for the zeal of the spirit and it caught a fire where ever he went. However David was not a self made man and he knew it. He was chief among men at retreating into God. David and his men where formidable, even untouchable force when their leader was walking closely with God. But God was always his source, His was the Power, and the Glory which David expressed so well in many verses.
God chose David because He was the least of His brethern and only a common shepherd. Humility is the key to meekness , or what I call quiet inner strength and Submission to the Highest Authority . Without this strong leaning on the Almighty we shall all fail and fall. God made David and God will make any man who doesn't trust in his own strength but rather in the power of the Holy one to accomplish His will through us.
Let us retreat into God men. Meditate on His Awesme Majesty. Who is like Him who sits on High.
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago
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