I once went to a meeting at what at the time seemed a strange place where as we entered the house signs on the door post stated you are now passing under the blood!
I think from recollection they hosts also pled the blood over us as we proceded into the room. I can't remember what the rest of the meeting was like I was obviously shell shocked by my first impressions this unusual style of gathering. Under the blood.
I would be a lot better prepared now to understand the 'maddness' of these people because I am now mature. We are in a battle to the death and these people where what I call 'striving' to prevent unclean spirits from entering their haven from the battle zone.
Striving is where we as followers of Christ attempt to assist the work that the Holy spirit is doing in us and through us and when we do this it always will come across to others as over the top. They will be best case put off, worst case totally inoculated against the Gospel, depending on the situation and how much over the top we go!
In order to win someone's heart the Holy Spirit must woo them with His Holiness.
When we come between this process the candidate will not percieve holiness but they will feel manipulated like we are trying to trap them. And they will most likely flee away.
As far as the above senario goes, Of course we should ask the Lord to seal our Homes with His precious blood over the gates etc but I seriously doubt if going to the 'effort' of making signs and painting red paint on the door jam will be a fruitful endevor. Its using 'flesh' means to achieve 'spiritual' goals which is futile. If we ever want sinners to come to our home we must not do or say or have any article in the house that we aren't directed to by the Holy spirit. If we do the fish may well get off the line and that person will miss a vital opotunity to connect with our source of eternal life Chirst Jesus.
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago
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