(this post will only make sense if you have been reading or have read previous posts on the headline topic of this blog, brands and the vast evil thereof!)
Now the wheel has turned,it has come full circle. I the grand master of the indominatable brand buster blogsite am in the processes of creating a brand. BTW if you are thinking of stealing my interlectual property watch out! I guard it jelously. Well you have to in this dog eat dog world lest you begin to sink and become someones lunch! am I right?
Why am I now returning to my vomit? I have no Idea. All I can say is that personally I have retired from the judicary and have hung up my wig! So to any casual observer who might be temped to judge me a hipocrate I beg you for your own sake let God be my judge. I have been eating humble pie a lot lately and I like the taste! I am now no longer afraid to be proven wrong. My words might seem to be falling to the Ground but I think that its not like these my cherished Ideals were all wrong but simply that I had made an Idol of them. I have now discovered the God's law is much higher than the statutes of a mere mortal man.
I have made these 'little names' and now can I possibly promote them without makeing a fully fledged brand with embossed logo's and sea's of packaging? I don't know at this point I will this very night put this before the Lord and pray His wisdom upon my simpleness. In the process of writing this I am deciding against any form of marketing baring plain print and verbal. I will trust God that the wisdom he first imparted to me, concerning the Godlessness of endless self promotion and one uping that makes the worlds version of success, was correct. I'll let 'word of mouth' the enjoyment of the beauty that God has blessed us with be my tools of trade and hopefully save alot of money in doing it this way. May God be with me and establish the work of my hands that it might glorify Him.
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago
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