What is the scared cow of your denomination? Why is the church so powerless in the west? How come alot of Christians despise Jehova's Witness'es to the point of rudeness? Why is it so easy to replace the law of God with the traditions of man?
A lot of questions one answer false doctine. The church still requires prophets in this age because of False doctine. False doctrine leads to idolatry, sectaranism, divisions, deception apostasy. Its a pretty major problem. Things always start in a promising way then go astry, then another reformer will rise up to lead people back to the true way then that movement will go astray and so on.
Of course not everyone will be reformed so the false way will continue as well which will gather more people to it 'the blind leading the blind'. Each denomination then have synods etc to decide politically what they stand for then they establish these truths as bed rock ie 'on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it'.
Then they establish colleages to train ministers in these unshakable truthes and so propagate their understanding and consolidate their fiefdoms.
The trouble is that unless the Lord builds the house they labour in vain who build it!
The scripture still cry's out everywhere for us to love the Lord with all our heart and lean not on own own individual or collective understanding.
God desires unity in His family, oneness. So what is the only true way and why can't we all descover it and agree and be in unity. False doctrine.
The rocks we are building on are not "The Rock". False doctrine.
Here is the biggest sacred cow that I know of . At least one man has been martyred for this probally many.
The trinity Doctrine. False.
Calvin killed a man because He tried to save others from this lie. But alas the pharisee's achieved their goal suppressed the truth in unrighteousness. Now over a 150 yrs latter this falsehood is the number one rock onto which many denominations have been built. Why does the church lack the power and blessing of God in the west. false Doctrine. The power of a lie is vast. Many denominations have been built on faulty foundations and need to repent and go back to the true Rock Christ Jesus son of the Living God.
He is the son, not the twin brother of the Father. The truth is so simple that the wise and learned cannot grasp it. Christ has never presumed equality with the Father so why do we ascribe it to Him. Are we wiser in our own eyes than the Son of God? Divinity made flesh?
Some have pointed to Chirst excepting from Thomas the title God, as a proof of the trinity. Jesus is God for us, he created us with the Father and it pleased the Father to make Him everything to us, our only access to God is through Him we can not go over our Head he has total authority. It is He who holds each of us in His hand. But Christ never Has nor ever will surpass His Father and His God.The most High
In order to actually be a Father the Allmighty must have preceded His son so they can't possibly be co-eternal.
God is not a man that he should lie. Is Jesus his son or his twin brother?
If you have no answer for this obvious question then you have been blinded by the orchestrated lintany of lies that is the 'mystery of the Trinity' .
So deep is this mystery that men need to study for years to come to understand it and yet it is still shrouded in dark halls of shadow.
God is not a God of confusion. The things that are reveled are plain and simple, why does it have to be comlicated? So the preisthood can continue to maintain there high position? persist to gain followers and dominion for themselves by making them believe a lie?
No God and His Son are not equals in authority, they are in Divinity but they are like a Husband and wife in terms of authority. But we men are all equal before God. No other name is to be lifed up but the name of the saviour. We are to call no man Father. He wants to relate to each of us personally with no need of a mediator. Face to face as a friend. He did this with Moses and He wants to do it with us all. Away with the brood of vipers, away with the wolves. Let the sheep follow the shepherd.
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago
1 comment:
It's like the sports doctrine.. So true. Nothing more insulting than after singing worship at church and focusing on God - someone decides to mention how 'good the game was' during the service.. who is our God??? Surely NOT sports or worldy things??!!! Sport is NOT my God! Why not fill stadiums with people seeking God. Not people seeking the enjoyment of throwing a ball!
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