Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Water, Water everywhere but not a drop to Drink.

Moree was completely cut of from the outside world for a least two days by flood waters.
The muddy waters went through a particular building and I helped begin the clean up yesterday.
I wonder if this is an answer to my prayers that God would give His church the town of Moree. That this would be and outpost for the Holy Spirit , that the devils be cast out and that no unclean thing would enter the town.
I asked that God would place Sentinels at all the entrances to the town. To ensure that evil spirits aren't able to enter.
The muddy waters are hardly clean. but are they at least spiritually symbolic of the seperation from the world and its 'traffic' in that all the trucks where stopped, the tourist's where way layed and every one paused for a moment. Not many to consider God it has to be said. But I have never seen so many pedestrians and cyclists as when the bridges where closed. The town took on a holiday atmosphere, while they watched what 'mother nature' was doing. Then yesterday when things started opening up the converstaions turned to complaining, people have lost the easy life they had before the flood now they have either lost a few possessions or have some cleaning up to do. But who do they shake their fist at, who recieve's these complaints. Is it 'mother nature' no, no one can get angry with such a matronly false image.
God recieves the wrath of the people who have been put out by this interuption to them continuing their Godless lives unmolested. Instead of dropping to their knees in praise and gratitude for all the days that everything went 'according to plan' they neglect God and reject him entirely until He throws a spanner in the works then they realise they have been neglecting God and so they get angry with him that he has failed to protect them from this calamity, or they accuse him as an evildoer !
How great is God's Grace and how deep is His Mercy that He doest just treat us as we deserve and wipe us out right now.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A loving God will not leave sins unjudged

The whole earth cries out to God, groans to him for His Judgement.
I long for his judgement and correction. Because His judgement is just and His decisions are correct. No fault can be found with His Law, it is perfect.

He judges mankind as an act of Love. If God turned His back and refused to attend to our Judgement and punishment we would be destroyed by our own sin.
Perhaps God is more active now than In the recent past because He has relied on the human Governments to carry out His judgements and lock up evil doers.
But times are changed and human Government's are increasingly departing from Gods Law and calling evil Good. This can only invite woe upon us. since if God cannot rely on Human goverment and its forces and services to defend righteousness and punish evil then He himself will have to step in and execute His Judgment directly by His mighty Hand and his outstretched Arm.
This is an exciting time to be alive and witiness God's mavelous Judgement being applied so often that few can miss the awareness that the Spirit of God is angry and he will punish evil doers and uphold His Law.
He himself is enforcing it. We can only stand by and be amazed.
This gives us great opotunites to preach repentance and extol the virtures of God's great Mercy.

Don't allow that anyone should accuse God of evil or injustice. Anyone who tries should be silenced by the fact that all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. Even in the case of an innocent child or a believer who dies God is Sovereign and within His rights to take our loved ones from us at any time of His choosing. He knows better than us when the right time is to take someone home either to himself or to Judgement at no time should we assume we know better than the most high what should happen. Are we capable of taking over his throne and the resposibility thereof? Hardly!
He is the only one worthy to sit in Judgement. All that remains for us is to accecept his judgments Graceously. He Judges us because he loves us. He does not leave us dying in our Sins, but he has revealed His love for us is that He sent his beloved Son to be made the sacrifice for our sins.
Praise be to God our Saviour, now and forever more!

Friday, November 25, 2011

White Ribbon Day

All the comunity services in the world and all the efforts they go to are all in vain because only God can break the power of sin. With out including God in the picture we are all just punching the air and wearing ourselves out for nothing.

I have always had a problem with white ribbon day. I didn't understand what it was but it just didn't sit right with me, obviously not because I believe women should take their punishment. But its the demonising of men as perpatrators that I don't like I think.

I attended the community event today where more of the same message is being promoted and its true and I believe it's getting communicated effectively. The saturation of the government funded message is I think getting through to those who already have ears to hear. It's just that male perpertrated volience against women is not ok ever.

But the laws man has now set up are not Gods laws. we learnt that violence can be verabal or just body language and metal manipulation or financial abuse and women can equally be just as voilent as men when it comes to these. And I won't say always but I would guess most of the time they will have used these 'weapons' against their partners prior to being phyiscally abused by that person then somehow get to play innocent and pure. No way.

Any way God does not say that being beaten is an excuse for divorce or for slaves to leave their masters they must serve their masters wether they are good or bad the same for wives. Till death do us part. However it would depend on the serverity of the abuse as to wether She should stay in the house with him.

The perpertrators are victims to.
They lose control of their rage and end up doing something that most hate and are sorry about afterwards or when they sober up. That is why realionships continue like this because He will usually pled for forgivness and be genuinely heart broken over it, which She will see and forgive until it occurs again and so on.

No one is innocent but men have been demonized by feminists in order to dominate men and control them by accusing them and burdening them with guilt. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It is sin and its corrupting power that are the true enemy not violent men.
Only Gods grace is sufficent to overcome this . God, let we who trust in your name turn our prayers towards this mountian in Moree. Father God, I pray that you will bring your peace upon us so powerfully that other towns will be envious as to how this transformation took place!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The words of a God made Man.

John Howard. wether you love Him or Hate him he was surely the man of His time.
I have great respect for Him. This are His words when He regained the leadership of the liberal party prior to His election to Prime Minister of Australia.

" I have always believed in an Australia built on reward for individual effort, with a special place of Honor for small business as the engine room of our economy. I've always believed in a safety net for those amongst us who don't make it. I've always believed in the family as the stabilisng and cohering unit of our society. And, I believe very passionately in an Australia drawn from the four corners of the earth, but united behind a common set of Australian values."

When the leader of a nation holds such convictions and is unable to be moved from them that nation will certianly be blessed.

I am reading His book Lazarus Rising now and here is another quote.

" No political leader can convincingly advocate a policy or a set of values unless he or she genuinely believes in them. I believed in every element of 'Future Directions'. It told Australians that I was very much a conviction politician."

Howard is a man of Faith. He is unshakeable because he stands upon the Rock. Let us all be inspired to be likewise men of Steadfastness.

I pray that God will rise up another Humble man of character to lead this nation back to the old pathes.

Giving Sorrow Words.

For me Sorrow is the right emotion. I have always been an outcast I have been betrayed I have failed at many things I have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.

Life without God, when I wondered away from Him, brought me Sorrow. But I am finding now that we have been reconciled my closeness to the Lord brings me even greater Sorrow, Because now I have His heart. I am not just sorry that my selfish desires are not being meet or sorry I got caught speeding or sorry other people won't do what I want!

The things that make Jesus sad now make me sad. The ravages and destruction of Sin in the lives of people He loves make me sad. The blindness of people makes me sad. Hardness of heart makes me sad. The apostocy in the church makes me sad. sin makes me sad. All this saddness and as one secular band called their album Meloncoly and Infinate Sadness. This is the right respose for me because when we see our loved ones heading for a lost eternity should we rejoice?
A lot of people only want to laugh and have fun. To enjoy life and revel in the many good things we can enjoy especially in the free west. But I seek sorrow. Sorrow is right. In this world that is perishing because of their lack of vision and the hardness of their hearts, Sorrow is the only reponse that is appropriate. Let us weep together, let us shed tears as one and be united in grief.
In the beatitudes Jesus blessed sorrow.
People of God we must fast now, the bridegroom is not now with us and He tarries in His coming let us gather together in sorrow so deep we cannot eat. Let our desire for food be lost in the greater desire to bear oneanothers burdens and break the power of strongholds, yolks and bondages.
When the apostles failed to cast out the demon from the man Jesus said this kind can only be removed by fasting and prayer. When the enemy seems to be gaining territory the only way to force Him back is by gathering the people and especially the elders and calling a solemn assembly. Crying unto the Lord all night, keeping watch through the night until joy comes in the morning.

Serenity bike tours and Move by bike Moree Australia

(this post will only make sense if you have been reading or have read previous posts on the headline topic of this blog, brands and the vast evil thereof!)

Now the wheel has turned,it has come full circle. I the grand master of the indominatable brand buster blogsite am in the processes of creating a brand. BTW if you are thinking of stealing my interlectual property watch out! I guard it jelously. Well you have to in this dog eat dog world lest you begin to sink and become someones lunch! am I right?

Why am I now returning to my vomit? I have no Idea. All I can say is that personally I have retired from the judicary and have hung up my wig! So to any casual observer who might be temped to judge me a hipocrate I beg you for your own sake let God be my judge. I have been eating humble pie a lot lately and I like the taste! I am now no longer afraid to be proven wrong. My words might seem to be falling to the Ground but I think that its not like these my cherished Ideals were all wrong but simply that I had made an Idol of them. I have now discovered the God's law is much higher than the statutes of a mere mortal man.

I have made these 'little names' and now can I possibly promote them without makeing a fully fledged brand with embossed logo's and sea's of packaging? I don't know at this point I will this very night put this before the Lord and pray His wisdom upon my simpleness. In the process of writing this I am deciding against any form of marketing baring plain print and verbal. I will trust God that the wisdom he first imparted to me, concerning the Godlessness of endless self promotion and one uping that makes the worlds version of success, was correct. I'll let 'word of mouth' the enjoyment of the beauty that God has blessed us with be my tools of trade and hopefully save alot of money in doing it this way. May God be with me and establish the work of my hands that it might glorify Him.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Under the Blood.

I once went to a meeting at what at the time seemed a strange place where as we entered the house signs on the door post stated you are now passing under the blood!
I think from recollection they hosts also pled the blood over us as we proceded into the room. I can't remember what the rest of the meeting was like I was obviously shell shocked by my first impressions this unusual style of gathering. Under the blood.
I would be a lot better prepared now to understand the 'maddness' of these people because I am now mature. We are in a battle to the death and these people where what I call 'striving' to prevent unclean spirits from entering their haven from the battle zone.
Striving is where we as followers of Christ attempt to assist the work that the Holy spirit is doing in us and through us and when we do this it always will come across to others as over the top. They will be best case put off, worst case totally inoculated against the Gospel, depending on the situation and how much over the top we go!

In order to win someone's heart the Holy Spirit must woo them with His Holiness.
When we come between this process the candidate will not percieve holiness but they will feel manipulated like we are trying to trap them. And they will most likely flee away.

As far as the above senario goes, Of course we should ask the Lord to seal our Homes with His precious blood over the gates etc but I seriously doubt if going to the 'effort' of making signs and painting red paint on the door jam will be a fruitful endevor. Its using 'flesh' means to achieve 'spiritual' goals which is futile. If we ever want sinners to come to our home we must not do or say or have any article in the house that we aren't directed to by the Holy spirit. If we do the fish may well get off the line and that person will miss a vital opotunity to connect with our source of eternal life Chirst Jesus.

Friday, November 4, 2011

False doctrine

What is the scared cow of your denomination? Why is the church so powerless in the west? How come alot of Christians despise Jehova's Witness'es to the point of rudeness? Why is it so easy to replace the law of God with the traditions of man?
A lot of questions one answer false doctine. The church still requires prophets in this age because of False doctine. False doctrine leads to idolatry, sectaranism, divisions, deception apostasy. Its a pretty major problem. Things always start in a promising way then go astry, then another reformer will rise up to lead people back to the true way then that movement will go astray and so on.

Of course not everyone will be reformed so the false way will continue as well which will gather more people to it 'the blind leading the blind'. Each denomination then have synods etc to decide politically what they stand for then they establish these truths as bed rock ie 'on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it'.

Then they establish colleages to train ministers in these unshakable truthes and so propagate their understanding and consolidate their fiefdoms.

The trouble is that unless the Lord builds the house they labour in vain who build it!
The scripture still cry's out everywhere for us to love the Lord with all our heart and lean not on own own individual or collective understanding.
God desires unity in His family, oneness. So what is the only true way and why can't we all descover it and agree and be in unity. False doctrine.
The rocks we are building on are not "The Rock". False doctrine.

Here is the biggest sacred cow that I know of . At least one man has been martyred for this probally many.

The trinity Doctrine. False.
Calvin killed a man because He tried to save others from this lie. But alas the pharisee's achieved their goal suppressed the truth in unrighteousness. Now over a 150 yrs latter this falsehood is the number one rock onto which many denominations have been built. Why does the church lack the power and blessing of God in the west. false Doctrine. The power of a lie is vast. Many denominations have been built on faulty foundations and need to repent and go back to the true Rock Christ Jesus son of the Living God.
He is the son, not the twin brother of the Father. The truth is so simple that the wise and learned cannot grasp it. Christ has never presumed equality with the Father so why do we ascribe it to Him. Are we wiser in our own eyes than the Son of God? Divinity made flesh?
Some have pointed to Chirst excepting from Thomas the title God, as a proof of the trinity. Jesus is God for us, he created us with the Father and it pleased the Father to make Him everything to us, our only access to God is through Him we can not go over our Head he has total authority. It is He who holds each of us in His hand. But Christ never Has nor ever will surpass His Father and His God.The most High
In order to actually be a Father the Allmighty must have preceded His son so they can't possibly be co-eternal.
God is not a man that he should lie. Is Jesus his son or his twin brother?
If you have no answer for this obvious question then you have been blinded by the orchestrated lintany of lies that is the 'mystery of the Trinity' .
So deep is this mystery that men need to study for years to come to understand it and yet it is still shrouded in dark halls of shadow.
God is not a God of confusion. The things that are reveled are plain and simple, why does it have to be comlicated? So the preisthood can continue to maintain there high position? persist to gain followers and dominion for themselves by making them believe a lie?
No God and His Son are not equals in authority, they are in Divinity but they are like a Husband and wife in terms of authority. But we men are all equal before God. No other name is to be lifed up but the name of the saviour. We are to call no man Father. He wants to relate to each of us personally with no need of a mediator. Face to face as a friend. He did this with Moses and He wants to do it with us all. Away with the brood of vipers, away with the wolves. Let the sheep follow the shepherd.