I have been thinking a lot about trees lately. In hot weather the shade of a tree is priceless. There are alot of trees mentioned in the bible.
They were created three days before mankind on the third day, Created even before the great lights of Heaven, the Sun, Moon and starry host. They are therefore the oldest form of living things on this earth. It pleased God to make them first.
After His first week of work God went back to work on Sunday and made a Garden in Eden with Trees obviously being central. In fact the trees are one of the four main characters on the stage of Eden. The other three being mankind and God himself. I suppose we have to mention the trespasser as well but I'd really rather not. I'm sure He wasn't invited.God just tolerated his presence because He was using Him to accomplish His plan of salvation.
Well you should all know the creation story and the fall. But what about the trees. Adams sin in desiring and partaking in what God had not ordained, the fruit of the tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil, meant that the free access to the Tree of Life was from then on cut off.
However we are able to again eat of this tree after we have been redeemed by the blood of the one who hung on it.
You see the cross is now the tree of life. The fruit of it, Christ's body and blood, are what we must eat to gain life eternal. The tree of knowledge seemed to promise greater life,(the life of God) but instead yielded death.
The cross which seemed to all in sundry to have ended all Hope for Mankind, Seems at first glance to be the tree of death. However its fruit gives life eternal. Wonderful Saviour.
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago
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