Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Debt is a bondage. as an honest person, a follower of the Lord we must repay our debts and not default if it within our power to pay or we have any assets to sell in order to make payment. However according to the law of Moses a man deeply in dept had the God sanctioned option of selling himself into slavery (or a member of his family however that would be very gutless thing for a man to do). The buyer then would take responsiblity for the Dept and pay it out. But the buyer was then the legal owner of the slave, He became His property.
I do not believe that this is wrong. The kind of slavery that was abolished by western governments, were Africans or people from other nations were kidnapped and forced into slavery, is an offence in the law of Moses and punishable by stoning of the traders. There is a distinction between them. Hebrew male slaves were to be released after six years and that is because of the Jubilee this is a merciful plan a redemptive plan. What a wonderful God we serve.
I believe that all people are equal but those who fall into dept need to have consequences, and those who find them selves owners of slaves need to treat there slaves with dignity in the sight of God who owns us all and planned in eternity to create us as free men with only one law to obey. Always love Him with all your Heart.

1 comment:

Susie said...

Have read this one. Very good.