Another blogger that I read often is writing about violence right now. Ron obviously has pacifistic beliefs and that is great because of course we are followers of christ afterall who came ".. as a lamb before the slaughterers is silent..." as our perfect example of meekness . Outwardly weak but inwardly mighty.
He is trying to reconcile the new testaments 'turn the other cheek' with the old testaments 'eye for an eye'. And traveling the 'translaters got it wrong' route. I feel this is unnessasary and dangerous.
If you haven't read the blog, Ron highlight's the nonvoilence of our Lord Jesus and compares it to the 'total destruction' that the God of the Old testament commanded against the Canaanites and others.
Then finding these unreconcileable, procedes to explore the idea that the translators gave us 'total destruction' from a word which could could have meant something far milder. He also is saying that the Israelites misrepresented God by their violence when this was not what God intended.
The Old and New testaments work together for our benefit but they are very different.
-Isarel Gods choosen people
-A physical people group, nation
-A physical temple where God's presence dwelt
-A physical priesthood
-under law written in stone
-in the flesh
- the Church of Jesus Christ his choosen
- scattered in every nation
- Body of christ invisable Holy Spirit in us
- Priesthood of all believers
- Under grace written on our hearts
- invisable
- in the Spirit
The Old testament is not a failed attempt by God to bring about the salvation of the world it is a powerful demonstration of the futility of man's attempts to obey God and be reconciled to Him and saved from the penality of sin except by the perfect sacrifice by a sinless high priest. A work only possible and brought about by the power of the Holy Spirit. God himself has done it all. Man could not even meet God halfway the Old testament proved that forever.That throws us completely at the mercy of a God whom the Old testament teaches us to fear.
He's the same God in both testaments and his wrath against sin and those who harden themselves in it, is violent and righteously so.
He himeself totally destroyed the Pharaoh and the Egyptian army and those Israelites that disobeyed and rebelled against Him in the wilderness by his own mighty hand and outstreached arm.
But His violent anger is only shown to those who first have heard his will, sometimes many times, and had the oppotunity to sumbit to it or harden themselves against it.
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago
1 comment:
Interesting reading, thank you for your thoughts.
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