God is not passive but active against those who break His law. He must be, because if He is not, then there is no justice, and if there is no justice then God is not good, And if God is not good then Who would make the free will choice to follow him or allow him to rule us. If this where the case then we may as well rule ourselves as God is no better than us.
So I hope you can see by this reverse logic that God can not be passive. This is the problem that I have with pacifism.
On the other hand we who are not good and are self confessed law breakers (sinners) must not raise ourselves up in judgment of others because we possess not the goodness to judge rightly, and therefore must rely on God's judgment and do his will. Obviously murder is not God's will. But it was his will to drive out the Canaanite nations who where possessing the promised land by the sword. why did God deem that the Israelites were more worthy of possessing the promised land and even just living we don't really know we could speculate but we don't really know so we must rest in the sure knowledge that God is Good and always Judges rightly and justly.
I believe pacifism is born of a false belief in the superiority of humanity or human rights. They that hold to this view are mortified that God should destroy a wicked man I am not. In some ways I don't believe we are as wonderful as we believe our selves to be in a lot of ways we really are just pots. God is the great potter and gives us our initial shape but as we age and harden we are total effected by what we choose to fill ourselves with. A man who habitually practices lawlessness becomes set in the image of sin and can not be changed. When we repent and are filled with the spirit it is like we don't set at all but are constantly being changed more and more to conform to the image of God. Just as the potter is within his rights to smash a bad pot so it is God's right to destroy the wicked and preserve the righteous. Pots have no rights. But they can expect the Good potter to forfill his promises to them, because if He doesn't He ceases to be good.
It really is a truth most wonderful to me that God is Good. He doesn't have to be. Nobody can make Him. He just is!
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago