We all have emotions. I hope. Ok maybe the terminator doesn't or assassins or high rolling gamblers, maybe they don't but in actuality they do. Maybe some judge dread types have a mostly cool head. Then the other end of the spectrum is the hot heads the maniac's, artists, eccentric's.
The seat of the emotions is said to be either the heart or the bowels basically the organs and hormone system rather than the brain. Perhaps it could be more accurately described as the effect of these systems on the thinking of the logic centre, that being unmistakably the brain.
God in whose image we are made is said to be Love ( Charity). Which is obviously the king of emotions. The question I have and this is open to discuss is. Love is not a feeling. Love is not lead by emotions. It absolutely needs emotions though, everything must be in balance.
Thinking, Logic Reason Cool headedness these must rule but also must submit to right emotional censorship.
Trinity abounds in christian doctrine.
God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit. He has created a tribune image in man
Mind, Body and Spirit.
Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding.
The Fullness of God dwelt in Christ Jesus bodily. Jesus is the perfect image of God he lacks nothing to be complete.
because He is sinless he does't need a wife helper companion to complete Himself.
And to a certain few God has granted the ability to live as eunuchs ( within a church body most likely) but the vast majority of us require an other in order to completely reflect the fullness of God's Love as well as the other fruits of the spirit. As God said "It is not good for man to be alone."
In Love: Justice and Mercy have kissed.
I see husband as the head of the wife as the scripture says but I also now know that Christ is to be the head of everything be it a home, church, golf club, hospital, parliament, etc.
Men are called to be the ones who deal in the city gate. They are stronger to carry out the Justice and be feared as God the Father and Great judge is feared, Also to take dominion as God instructed, Men better represent the Law of God than do women.
Does this mean women are less than in any way? Most assuredly not. They represent the wonderful Mercy of God, the beauty of the Lord they overwhelm the law with its unachievable requirements.
They are the glory of their husbands. Just as Gods grace and mercy is His own Glory when it totally conquered sin and death.
Wonderful God and His wonderful ways.
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago