How hot shall we make the fire?
Seven times hotter said Nebecenzza when his will (the will of the emperor god) was defied by three Jewish exiles (slaves).
I guess He was a little bit ticked off!
Keep thinking about the contrast in status between an emperor and a slave.
Is not our God Truly the only Emperor worthy of worship? The name emperor does't amply discribe Him because an Empire is just a portion of the earth or just earth (antichrist will rule all the earth). God rules all the Heavens and the Earth. No king has ever come close to his supreme majesty, nor will any in the future. He is God alone and there is no other. So high is He that he is almost unknownable. And he was largely unknown in the Old Testament except by the prophets, to be Truly known God had to come down and live amongst us, He did this in His Son.
Then The Lord also disappeared again (after redeeming the world) up to the highest heavenly realm. But He said that we are now better off since he returned to the Father, because now is the Age of the Holy Spirit being poured out on all flesh!
Young men see visions and old men dream dreams!
His spirit is no longer given to just a few Jewish witnesses Adam, Noah, Abraham....Moses.....Samuel.....David.....Christ. Abraham is the father of many now because his faith has been given to Gentiles by the Holy Spirit. The increase in the Kingdom of God since pentacost has been expodential! And still is despite the apostasy of the west, it is the time of the east to shine now, many wonders are occurring there and this is now the forefront of the battle. The devil is largely reclaiming the west but the Glory of God still lives in a sprinkling of light, little pockets of Holy fire.
But how hot shall we make the fire!! Shall we call down fire??? How can we cause this fire to sweep across our nations again?
Our father in heaven is still very hard for our minds to comprehend. What exactly is He???? A spirit.Yeah but what is that? How much do we really understand about who or what or where or how He is????
Almost nothing except what has been written.
He is a unquenchable fire! He is not just a camp fire, No no no, there is nothing hotter than the flame of God, He is a 'refiners fire'. There is nothing in this phyiscal universe that can even exist in His presence because of the heat!!!
The father had to separate himself from His creation to remain. His fire is hotter than Nebecanezza's oven. Seventy seven times hotter! This is the fire that we must call down, can any sin remain in us when this fire lives in our hearts?
A 'fullers' soap not bathroom beauty bar. God tells us something In these descriptions, a fuller Cleans all impurity's and oils from sheep fleaces.
Can any stain remain when we a scrubbed with such a vigorous cleansing agent?
All our works will be tested by this fire. Will they be Gold or Silver (metal not destroyed by heat just refined and reshaped.)
Or wood, hay, and stubble ( regularly destroyed utterly by ordinary fires).
The tounges of fire at pentacost where a sign that the men present had instantly been tested by this fire and remained, thus they were made of heavy metal, rare earth, whatever you like to call it they are the good stuff. They where also radically transformed by this process into men of power and faith, where as before they had run before the enemy and denied The Lord. When the holy fire fell at pentacost it swept the came roaring through Jeursalem, Damascus, Ephesus, Antioch ......America, Australia.
There are many bush fires at the moment and most want them to be put out. I want all 'flesh' life to be consumed out if this nation, out of my own wicked heart!
I want Holy fire to burn in me uncontrolled by my flesh, In fact I don't want my 'flesh' to remain at all it can go with all the other wood, hay and stubble. Turn up the tempreture Lord, may your spirit burn so hot in me the atoms explode!
This is the fire we call down.
This is the spirit we host in our 'temples'.
Come Lord Jesus come!
Who will join me in calling down this fire?