Princes and nobles come into wealth and positon by pledging loyalty to a powerful sovereign. When a sovereign takes control of a territory wether by seccession or by conquest he divides the land between His princes according to the faifulness they have shown.
This is the way of kings of the earth and empires. How is the Kingdom of God different.
God is Almighty. He has created and he can easily destroy all creation.He has showed this with the global flood and He could have just kept on doing this over and over but He had a more excellent way.
One angel slew 185,000 in one night, all the powers of the elements are in his hands, even the earth and the universe. There is nothing God can not do.
So God has not choosen to conquer by might since this is easy for Him but not lasting since people all to quicky forget the mighty works He has done and fall away.
Who is more grand or is arrayed in greater splendor than God. What is lacking from
the beauty of his heaven. Do not the evening sky or starry night display this. The glory of God is so great he must hide himself from his unclean subjects lest we see Him and die!!
God lacks no Good thing that he could desire in terms of material things but He does not buy His way to power as money and wealth corrupt every man or women that possess them. If God chose this as a method of taking back control then he could not use men because they are always dececived by them.
Why do christians chase money and power the since God has not blessed these that the world loves so well.
Jesus showed us the way. The most highly favored and Loved of all Gods universe, humbled Himself to be found in flesh and live a life not marked by either of the above which He had known no limit of in heaven. Instead He suffered rejection, and derision, and death on a cross like a criminal. He subjected Himself to the will of the Father completely, to the end of Himself.
The fathers will is that what we have we give, Jesus had the power ot Heal he gave it to all who asked of Him, when he had bread he gave it and he gave his life for the sins of many.
Humility is the way the only way to gain the joys of heaven, no puffed up thing can enter since the King has already lowered himself beyond all others to gain our salvation. How should we approach the throne of Grace? clothed in our own merit?What folly.
This is the offense of the cross. Unbelievers can not get this. How could the Lord stoop so low for such unworthy subjects. This is the Love of God. May his kingdom endure for ever, (I know it will but I still want it to since he alone is worthy to rule) All the earth can not compare with knowing Him, and the power of His resurection.
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago