Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I am doing a course in Agribusiness Finance. The work today was about setting goals and developing vision for the future. They say it helps to write these things down rather than just keeping them in your head. Any way my vision was to develop a means of supporting my now rather large family while at the same time being able to have the time to spend with them to mentor them and teach them Gods ways. This is a compromise as I know if we want to be financially successful family working together cannot be the worlds way and therefore we may not live as well as we currently do but this doesn't frighten me, my wife maybe a little but it's a risk we need to take to follow what God is calling us to, I believe.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Making families strong

You know what one of the worlds biggest problem's is . Its every man/woman for themselves. This clearly is not the way we were created to live. Living this way makes this planet seem to small. This is because when every individual is singly pursuing there own personal pleasure and mammon there just isn't enough to go around, almost as if the is a supernatural lack created. The individual is not the smallest unit in a community/society/nation the family is. We need make this obvious in the building of a re formative Christian community, its not going to work if everybody just looks after themselves. Families don't work that way families are about being together and sharing co-operating etc. For this to work the family needs a leader and that leader has to have a vision. The wife my have the greatest struggle but clearly she must be willing to lay aside her own aspirations to concede to her Husband will The children need to be trained to honor there parents, put GOD FIRST , others second and themselves last. The Husband himself is not only the master of the family but its servant, pouring out His life for his wife and children. This will then produce the basic building blocks on which to build a civil society as the healthy families can reach out to widows and orphans around them and take in members of broken families. There should not be any singles out there. To put it in economic terms we simply can't afford singles, they consume to many resources and produce nothing as the produce God is looking for is Godly offspring. As part of a family everyone has a role in producing the crop.