As you can see I haven't posted in a while, Why because of the new computer (problems) and the new baby and just life in general. Time is a precious thing and I feel very much as though I spend to much of it with out achieving my life's goals.
As you might pick up I value freedom highly. Freedom that is from the rule of man and the associated trappings. Ideally I'd just like to live in the world that God has made with as little man stuff as possible, just to enjoy God and work to bring Him glory a mitigate the effects of the curse of sin and lead others to the Lord of salvation.
But the rule of man and systems have there ways of tying you in like it or not.
I am presently concerned that in my bid to be free I might cast off authority structures that God has intended for me to submit to . I'm talking church here . I just haven't found a body of believers where the leaders don't Lord it over the flock. I'm not looking for another Lord, I have the Greatest already, but I do need a shepherd Why are there so few?
Day of Cleansing
1 month ago